Do you recall when you started using a tampon?

It probably took a few periods to become comfortable with it. The same applies to the menstrual cup.

We advise you to try different folding and insertion techniques, and also to wear a protective panty liner for the first few times until you become comfortable using just the cup.

Below you will learn how to successfully clean, insert and remove the  ‘TheEcoEra’ menstrual cup. 

Which Cup Size To Use?

If you have purchased the ‘TheEcoEra’ menstrual cup ( first of all Thank you :) ) you will see that there are 2 cup sizes included in the packaging. Since every woman’s anatomy and flow is different so we encourage you to try both cup sizes and decide which one is best for you.

Small Cup 33ml

Use the small cup during your light flow period days or if you have not given birth.

Large Cup 45ml

Use the large cup during your heavy flow period days or if you have given birth vaginally.

Step 1 – Clean

Before using the cup for the first time, you should sterilize the cup by soaking it in boiling water for around 3-5 minutes. Use a pot large enough to contain the cup without touching the bottom when filled with water.  

Step 2 – Fold 

First, wash your hands and lubricate the cup (with water or a lubricant) 

Next, fold the cup using your preferred folding technique.  

C Shape Fold


Tulip or Punch-Down Fold

mcup punch down fold

Step 3: Insert

  1. Relax and get into the insertion position that works best for you. We suggest you gently squat.
  2. Insert the folded menstrual cup and keep it folded until it is inside of your vagina. Release the fold once the cup is entirely inside of you.
  3. The cup should be now completely unfolded in your vagina. To check if it has unfolded properly, touch the bottom end of the cup around the stem.It should be rounded with no folds.
  4. Feel the base of the cup and make sure there are no folds. If there are any noticeable folds, then slowly rotate the base of the cup (not the stem) until there are no more folds felt.
  5. Next, gently pull the stem. If you feel resistance when pulling it means that a suction seal has been created.
  6. When inserted correctly the cup should not feel present.

NOTE: The stem of the menstruation cup should be completely inside of your vagina. If it’s too long you can trim it

Congratulations! You have successfully inserted the cup!

Step 4: Remove

The cup can be worn for up to 12h. However, every woman’s flow is different so we recommend emptying it more often especially in the beginning.

  1. Wash your hands and sit or squat over the toilet.
  2. Hold the bottom of the cup (not the stem) and squeeze it until the suction is released.
  3. Gently pull it out of the vagina.
  4. Empty the blood fluids in the toilet and rinse with water before re-insertion.

TIP: If you are in a public toilet you can fill the included cup holder with water prior to entering the toilet and use it to pour over the cup for cleaning.

Re-insert or store

  • Once the cup is clean, re-insert it as described in Step 3.
  • If your period has ended, boil it for 3-5 minutes before storing it.

Tips For Beginners

For most women it can take time until they get used to the menstrual cup. Once they get used to it though, they never go back to wearing tampons!

  • Follow the instructions carefully
  • Try different folding and insertions techniques until you find the one that you like.
  • Wet the cup or use a lubricant. That will make the insertion much easier.
  • Wear a protective panty liner for the first few times until you become confident just using the cup.
  • Relax when inserting the cup. It may help to breathe through your mouth to relax the pelvic muscles.
  • Make sure you hear the popping sound to ensure that the cup has properly expanded, otherwise you might experience blood leaking.
  • Ensure that the stem doesn’t protrude outside the vagina. Trim the stem, if necessary.
  • Remove the cup carefully and slowly to prevent the blood spilling.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have sex while I use the menstruation cup?2020-06-05T09:25:32+00:00

While it may be somehow possible, (etc when the stem is cut enough) we don’t recommend having sex with the menstrual cup. 

Can the menstrual cup cause infections?2020-06-01T12:19:10+00:00

 The use of menstrual cups do not increase the risk of infection. Nonetheless, please ensure that the cup is clean by sterilizing before use.

Is it painful to use a menstrual cup?2020-06-01T12:16:29+00:00

It shouldn’t cause any pain. However, if the cup is not properly inserted it may cause discomfort. Please follow insertion and removal instructions carefully.

What menstruation cup size should I use?2020-06-01T12:02:01+00:00

The normal guideline is – women who haven’t given birth should use the smaller size while women who have should use the larger one. However, a lot of women who haven’t given birth tend to use the large cup when having a heavy flow. Best to try both sizes and see which one works best for you. 

How do I know if I inserted the menstrual cup correctly?2020-06-01T12:02:36+00:00

You should hear a pop sound to ensure that the cup expanded correctly and there should be resistance when pulling the stem. This would mean a suction seal has been created. 

Is ‘TheEcoEra’ menstrual cup BPA free?2020-06-01T12:02:59+00:00

Yes it is free from BPA, Latex and any artificial colorings. 

Can it be used by women who have a lower uterus?2020-06-01T12:04:19+00:00

Yes. Depending on how low, you can either cut the stem so it doesn’t stick out or choose the smaller size with a bigger diameter.

Can I use the menstrual cup with an IUD?2020-06-01T12:04:45+00:00

Yes. Just make sure that you know where your string is and remove the cup by pulling the base of the cup. 

How do you sterilize the menstrual cup ? Is it microwaveable?2020-06-01T12:05:53+00:00

Boil the cup for 3-5 minutes. It is microwaveable. Just make sure you use it together with the included collapsible cup holder.

How many hours can I use the menstrual cup?2020-06-01T12:07:08+00:00

You should be able to use the cup for 10-12 hours without any problems. However, on stronger days, or if you have just started using it you may want to empty the cup more frequently. 

Can I swim, exercise and do sports activities while wearing the menstrual cup ?2020-06-01T12:07:42+00:00

Yes. If properly installed, the cup should not get dislodged when doing sports activities, exercise or swimming.

Can the menstrual cup get stuck / lost inside me?2020-06-01T12:08:23+00:00

No. After the vaginal canal is the cervix and the only thing that can go through that is sperm. If it feels like it is stuck, try removing it at an angle or use your vaginal muscles to try and push it down. Push as you do while you poop.

When should I replace my menstruation cup?2020-06-01T12:09:00+00:00

 The ‘TheEcoEra’ menstruation cup is designed to last for years. However we recommend changing it when it starts to crack  or if the material is difformed.  


Still have questions? Contact us at

2020-06-05T09:17:46+00:00May 28th, 2020|Categories: menstrual cup|0 Comments

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